New Additions To Our Family


While our blog has been -- um lets say -- "on vacation", my family has been busy adding new members!!

The first two are Genevieve and Bosco. Gen is our six month old, smart, hard driven, constantly working Border collie. Bosco is our 5 month old, gentle, calm, smart, easy-going, chewing monster Border collie. We got Gen when she was 7 weeks old from a breeder in South Carolina. We got Bosco at 8 weeks old and he came from a different breeder in South Carolina. We got him after Gen which led to some territory problems at first, but they were smoothed over in a few days. The Dogs are doing well. Unfortunately Gen just sprained a muscle in her back leg this week going up our slippery stairs, but is doing fine.

Our other 7 members are my new fish and snail! Yesterday I went to Petsmart and bought some fish. I got two male Guppies, two female Guppies, two Neon Tetras, and 1 Algae Eating Snail. I named the 2 Neon Tetras Chipper Jones and Matt Diaz. I named my yellow female Guppy - Daisy, the white and black fish with a dot - Dot. The orange, white and blue male Guppy Nemo, the other white and blue male Guppy is unnamed. Unfortunately when I woke up this morning Dot, :(, had died. Mom said we can return her to the store because Petsmart has a 14 day guarantee on their fish. All the other fish are doing perfect so far.