Nature Study Packs

Today, was a fun day. We spent the day getting all our nature study supplies organized as we are getting ready to go on a camping trip, which means lots of hikes and discoveries from nature. Also with March just around the corner that means Springtime will soon be here so I really wanted to get a head start.

When we first started with our nature study walks four years ago, I chose to use one back pack to keep all our supplies with the intent that I could carry it on our walks for the kids. At that time I only had two school aged kids and one toddler, but what has ended up happening over the years is I have ended up carrying either a newborn in the snuggly or a toddler in the back carrier and not our official nature study back pack. As the family grew so did the supplies in our nature pack which then became too heavy for any of the kids to carry.

It only took four years but finally this year I wised up and got nature packs for everyone. This will free up the toddler carrier for just baby/toddler supplies and mom's nature supplies (which is not much). For each of the kids packs I kept many of the same supplies then used Macbeth's website for new ideas to upgrade my older children's packs now that they are in the upper elementary grades.

In the next month I will put up a book listing for our nature study basket. Here are the supplies you can find in each of the packs according to age. I have posted links to some of the supplies to help give a visual ....
  • Sketch/Drawing Pad
  • Prisma coloring pencils
  • Prisma watercolor pencils
  • Drawing/sketching pencils